Reading these articles did very little to change my opinion of Global Warming. After watching the video by Al Gore and the other by a group of scientists, I am convinced that Global Warming is a falsity. It is not something I should be freaking out about. However, that does not mean I am against caring for the Earth. While the Earth is not going to fall apart on us, I believe it is our duty to care for our planet. Let's face it, we have only one planet to live on and a remote possibility that we could destroy the Earth does exist. But I will admit that my concerns lie with the other environmental issues of the day, not with Global Warming. For example, we treat animals very badly in our meat production factories. Animals should not be treated with brutality in the process of providing us the consumers a product. Saving endandered wildlife is a concern as well. We should do whatever we can to find a balance between human need for land to live on and an animal's need for the same. The threat environmental issues pose to human health is another consideration. Human health is fragile, as seen in the high incidence of cancer among us. Widespread impure waters cannot be good for humanity. Caring for the earth in order to save fun environments is important as well. Swimming in different waterways, such as rivers, lakes, and streams is a thing of the past in some areas because of pollution. Beautifying our world is a cause I am personally invested in. For example, it is important to clean roads and cities for aesthetic reasons. Highways are more beautiful when they are not marred by litter, as are cities. I am committed to offering my services to the environment and doing whatever I can to protect wildlife. Each one of us has a place in the effort of preserving our world.
What have you learned about the concept of Global Warming that you would like to share with other students?
Global Warming as a cause appears rather ridiculous after learning everything I have over the last few months. The proponents of Global Warming are inconsistent. Their cries of destruction fail to be actualized most of the time. Sometimes they predict an Ice Age, and at other times they predict warming, which leads me to believe that they are just trying to get people worked up and increase their income. I've learned that global warming is a more political than environmental cause. The fact that the origins of global warming coincide with Margaret Thatcher leads me to disbelieve the whole global warming debacle. Are politicians ever trustworthy? Trust- that leads me to the personal reasons or disbelieving in Global Warming. I cannot believe in something when I find the supporters of the cause to be untrustworthy. I have never felt Al Gore was an honest man. He has a strange vibe that causes me to put up my guard. I have to take everything he says with a grain of salt. The other people involved in the movement evoke the same reaction. It is too easy for politicians to approach environmental issues with ulterior motives, especially when money is involved.
I propose that students continue questioning everything they are presented with using the same methods they have been given while learning about and discussing Global Warming.
To my fellow students I say, Don't trust everything that is told you, even if you constantly hear the same thing from multiple voices. Don't trust the assumptions and presuppositions given you. Approach everything-- science, religion, textbooks, teachers, music, art, family-- with questions. Search for the truth. Look for all sides of an argument or cause. Know what you believe because you have researched it and found it to be true in your own heart and mind. Be wary of assumptions- in others and in yourself.