Brachiopod fossil along Boucher Trail (Picture 1 )
Crinoid and coral fossils along Widforss Trail (Picture 2)
In the process of looking for any new web information for this blog, I came across some support for an aquatic environment once existing in the Grand Canyon. The above pictures are fossils of organisms that live in water, as I discovered after looking up the names of the organisms to learn more about them. In my mind, these photos are full of possibilities.
That is great how you were able to support your hypothesis from researching other findings.
This is another great example of how applying the York Tech Critical Thinking Model to Ecology can be helpful.
I can tell that the Grand Canyon has sparked your interest, and I appreciate the fact that you have developed your own theories; as well as, followed through by researching for any material to support these theories.
Do like all the information about canyons. But, was wondering what your fascination is with Canyons. I beleave your intrest and knowledge of these past few enteries, are very thought out and spark some type of intriguing intrest to you. Hey you have gotten my intrest and I have got myself learning more online.
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